这个春天重新发现亮马河This spring,let’s rediscover the Liangma River.站在船头眺望眼前依次出现24座各有特色的跨河桥如果你仔细观望会发现每座桥上都赋予了专属名字友谊桥、麦家桥、好运桥......形成“国际风情,园林风彩古都风貌,自然风光”四大主题段向过往的游人“讲述”着它的故事今天,让我们认识“它们”Standing on the prow and gazing afar,you will see 24 distinctive bridges in sequence.Take a close look and you will find thateach bridge is given a unique name.Youyi (Friendship) Bridge,Maijia Bridge,Haoyun (Good Fortune) Bridge and other bridges feature four major themes:International Style, Ancient Capital Style,Art of Chinese Gardens and Natural Beauty.They’re telling their stories to people.Today,let’s get to know them.紧邻燕莎友谊商城,与命运共同体广场呼应,寓意北京与世界相连友谊长存。It is adjacent to Yansha Friendship Mall and the Destiny Community Plaza. Together,they symbolize the lasting friendship between Beijing and the rest of the world.麦子店街道,建设友好包容的“世界麦家”,寓意北京朝阳区,世界交流窗口,朝阳麦子店,汇聚四海朋友。Maizidian Sub-district, where the bridge is located, is a window to the world for Beijing’s Chaoyang District.此桥与好运街国际饮食深夜食堂遥相呼应,夜晚灯光闪烁,宛若星河。取名好运桥寓意穿行此桥好运连连。The bridge is said to bring good fortune to people when they cross and it’s close to Haoyun Street International Food Late Night Canteen and is full of life at night.此桥结构设计轻盈,经修复后蓝色调时尚梦幻,年轻人常聚此赏河拍照,是蓝色港湾一处浪漫景致,取名蓝梦桥寓意碧蓝之水的中国梦。The bridge, namely, the blue dream bridge, is a romantic scene of the SOLANA. It has a dreamlike touch to it after upgrading. Young people often come here to enjoy the river view and take pictures.紧邻亮马河国际古玩城, “琉璃”又体现古都京韵文化,且寓意朝阳景色“玳瑁凝春色,琉璃漾水波”。The bridge is close to the Liangma Antique Market. Liuli, its name, both represents Beijing’s cultural heritage and symbolizes the rising sun of Chaoyang District reflected in the river.引自“饮马花溪”。此处为明朝永乐年间皇家御马苑所在地,马匹在此清洗、晾晒而得名。This was the location of the Imperial Stable during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The bridge gets its name because horses were cleaned and dried here at that time.摘自《孟子》“观水有术,必观其澜”。此桥造型优美结构新颖,游人凭栏远眺,风光无限,是观水望景绝佳之处。取名观澜桥寓意探究事物要追本溯源,了解根本。The bridge, meaning scenery watching bridge, gets its name from the Chinese classic Mencius. It is graceful in design and locals often come here to watch the beautiful river scene. The meaning behind the name is that people should eagerly explore the unknown.为朝阳公园区域,原为水碓子公园,拥有大片水面和良好生态,也承载了历史印记和百姓思念。The bridge is located in Beijing Chaoyang Park, formerly Shuiduizi Park, amid a large body of water and a nice environment. It stands as a witness to the past changes in the area.摘自祖孙登《咏水》“骊泉紫阙映,珠浦碧沙沈”。寓意水之清澈,沙粒似珍珠沉在水底,纪念2008年奥运会沙滩排球赛场。The bridge was built to commemorate the 2008 Olympic beach volleyball match held here. Bisha, its name, is from a classic Chinese poem, meaning that the water is so clear that the sand grains at its bottom are visible like pearls.摘自《道德经》“和其光,同其尘”。寓意在发展、创造性方面积极融合,在基本原则方面一律平等。The name of the bridge, meaning shining like light, is from the ancient Chinese classic The Tao-te Ching. It means that active pursuit of development and creativity and all are equal when it comes to the application of basic principles.摘自朱熹《观书有感》“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来”。表达水清水净,同时寓意学无止境,探索求新。The bridge gets its name from a line of Chinese scholar Zhu Xi (1130-1200)’s poem: “How can it be so clear and cool? For water fresh comes from its source.” It also implies that constant learning will create vigor.连接樱花谷,象征春意盎然,映衬瀑山叠水。The bridge stands besides a waterfall and rocks and connects Sakura Valley, hence its name means the spring valley.追溯历史“周武王封召公于燕。地在燕山之野,故国取名焉”。寓意“建城伊始,生态初心”。The first part of the name of the bridge, Yan, refers to an ancient kingdom of Yan in this area, bringing back memory of the beginning of the city.出自李白《秋登宣城谢脁北楼》“两水夹明镜,双桥落彩虹”。此桥西侧世纪喷泉广场有一处彩虹喷泉,为网红打卡地。The bridge has its name, the rainbow, from a poem by Li Bai, the famous Chinese poet (701-762). There is a rainbow fountain in the Century Fountain Square on the west side of the bridge, where visitors often take pictures.临近顺承郡王府正门前。按照《易经》五行属火,有向阳之意。It is near the front gate of Prince Shuncheng’s Mansion. The name Wuyang, according to I Ching: Book of Changes, means facing the sun.此处三座桥位于郡王府正门前。命名取自郡王府内正殿--银安殿。The three bridges located in front of the main gate of Prince Jun’s Mansion are named after the main hall in the mansion - Yin’an Hall.出自应劭《风俗通义·山泽》“泽者,言其润泽万物,以阜民用也”。此处为农展馆南路跨河桥,农业生产与水息息相关,寓意水润禾田,年景望丰。The bridge gets the name from a Chinese saying, “The marsh nourishes all the things and brings abundant food and resources to the people.” Crossing the river on the south road of Agricultural Exhibition Hall, it implies that water nourishes the land and brings prosperity.出自《史记·管晏列传》“仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱”。六里屯村历史上有唐太宗东征设“谎粮台”遗址。The bridge gets its name from a saying in The Grand Scribe’s Records, an ancient Chinese classic, “Only when the granary is full will people learn etiquette; only when people are well-fed and clothed will they know honor and shame.” In the nearby Liulitun village are the ruins of a terrace built during the eastern expedition by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).此处是两湖连通渠终点。摘自朱熹《观书有感》“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来”。寓意广泛包容不同思想、鲜活的知识,方能才思不断,新水长流。This is the end of the two lakes connecting canals. It gets its name from a line of Chinese scholar Zhu Xi (1130-1200)’s poem: “How can it be so clear and cool? For water fresh comes from its source.”It implies that those who are open-minded to different ideas and opinions can keep abreast of the times and generate unique thoughts.出自《诗经》“如月之恒,如日之升”。寓意赞美和祝福青少年有强大的生命力和美好的未来。Its name comes from a line of The Book of Songs: “as if the waxing moon are becoming full, as if the sun are rising”. It wishes young people vitality and a bright future.红领巾湖形似心形,寓意“不忘初心,牢记使命”。The Honglingjin Lake, where the bridge is located, is shaped like a heart, which means “stay true to your original aspiration and keep your mission firmly in mind.”历史上八里台地区的纺织是支柱产业,织锦在民间有吉祥寓意,传达百姓对美好生活的向往。The bridge is located in Balitai area, where textile industry was the pillar industry in the old days. The meaning of its name is brocade, a symbol of people’s longing for a better life.